Sunday 26 April 2015


TODAY  is going to be about the man behind my framework (ASLEM) 

i did this art about a year ago during my early stage of my art to show my appreciation. and he was really pleased to av a portrait art done my me.. 

You will find below stages as i  proceed further 

more also in few in bout 1 hour 20 minutes its going to be a new dawn for the week and i implore every one to make an impact ( positive impact ) to this world and leave a legacy behind.  because really Its crazy that some people are just born on earth to go to Creche,  nursery school, primary school, junior secondary, senior secondary school, college, university, do masters, graduate, work, marry, have kids, get old, die and nothing more, no legacy, no purpose, their names just sail away just like that.....please this mind set should change... #Radelart    #team_radelart

Thursday 23 April 2015


Hello viewers, I have received  lots of emails on my blog and facebook page ... People telling me to post a step-by-step stage of my art artwork... Well, here is one of the art work created early 2014.. it as my first attempt on pencil color.... Hope it meets your expectation...